In My Opinion… But No One Asked Me


Posted by gabriels455 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 11, 2013

In my opinion unicorns are dangerous and are to be hunted, but no one asked me.

In my opinion they shouldn’t waste time with “fabulizing” the names of flowertacular scented air freshener and just make one that smells like cooking onions, but no one asked me.

In my opinion there should be a button on every computer titled “no not in the URL box I meant to Google it”, but no one asked me.

In my opinion “I’m right you’re wrong be quiet”, but no one asked me.

In my opinion “I’m right you’re wrong be quiet” should be painted on all government buildings in Washington , but no one asked me.

In my opinion carbonated meat should be a thing, but no one asked me.

In my opinion the humble bicycle needs a second function, but no one asked me.

In my opinion we should have put more effort into cars befor releaseing them when hey were first invented so that if we were to use flying cars now we wouldn’t need to tear down ALL of the roads and ALL of the street signs, but no one asked me.


Comments (4)

In my opinion, you are a very clever kid!

I like your post, it is very creative 🙂

In my opinion this post is very funny but no one asked me

Unicorns were hunted because they were dangerous, that’s why you never see them.

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