

Posted by gabriels455 | Posted in fun | Posted on January 19, 2014


 Fear, I used to think it was just a chemical response to outer stimuli that the mind senses to be dangerous, a rustling in the trees, a shadow masking too much for its own good. Silly stupid Jeff how idiotic I was THE FEAR ARE REAL, REALLY REAL. Not just a…

“Silly stupid Jeffery Evil wretch you are”

it escapes my mouth I turn. no one is there “good no one heard, good ” then it hit me “no one knows I’m here, no one knows I’m here”. I fall down crying out for the pain in my side. something stood beside me-my fear…. everyone had one

no one else has ever seen another ones fear, they never show up when anyone else is around.

Your true fear… “you can never know what it is until you see it, and then you realize it could have never been anything else.”

my fear stood beside me silent, all of the fear are silent. that is something that The Fear taught us, the difference between themselves and terror (God forbid that might be a race too), terror is universal a monster, a charging yak, drowning on a boat, loud, boisterous, vying for attention. But Fear that is different, personal, something you have to develop silent prowling. Fear is your terror, everyone would be scared in a sinking boat but if that is your Fear you would be numb, Fearful, unable to move, in a word   dead. I turned……

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photo by morguefile edited by way of photolab

should I keep going or drop it, or maybe change something in the next excerpt?

Comments (3)

this is the best thing I ever read

aw shucks

you stole that from Doctor Who! DUN DUN DAHHHHAAAH! just kidding. I loved the way you used the personification of fear as a tool to craft your words in a way in which they grow more emphatically every time you read the next one.

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